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def with_config(
func: Optional[AnyFun] = None,
spec: Type[BaseConfiguration] = None,
sections: Tuple[str, ...] = (),
sections_merge_style: ConfigSectionContext.
TMergeFunc = ConfigSectionContext.prefer_incoming,
auto_pipeline_section: bool = False,
include_defaults: bool = True,
accept_partial: bool = False,
initial_config: Optional[BaseConfiguration] = None,
base: Type[BaseConfiguration] = BaseConfiguration,
lock_context_on_injection: bool = True) -> Callable[[TFun], TFun]


Injects values into decorated function arguments following the specification in spec or by deriving one from function's signature.

The synthesized spec contains the arguments marked with dlt.secrets.value and dlt.config.value which are required to be injected at runtime. Optionally (and by default) arguments with default values are included in spec as well.


  • func Optional[AnyFun], optional - A function with arguments to be injected. Defaults to None.
  • spec Type[BaseConfiguration], optional - A specification of injectable arguments. Defaults to None.
  • sections Tuple[str, ...], optional - A set of config sections in which to look for arguments values. Defaults to ().
  • prefer_existing_sections - (bool, optional): When joining existing section context, the existing context will be preferred to the one in sections. Default: False
  • auto_pipeline_section bool, optional - If True, a top level pipeline section will be added if pipeline_name argument is present . Defaults to False.
  • include_defaults bool, optional - If True then arguments with default values will be included in synthesized spec. If False only the required arguments marked with dlt.secrets.value and dlt.config.value are included
  • base Type[BaseConfiguration], optional - A base class for synthesized spec. Defaults to BaseConfiguration.
  • lock_context_on_injection bool, optional - If True, the thread context will be locked during injection to prevent race conditions. Defaults to True.


Callable[[TFun], TFun]: A decorated function


def last_config(**kwargs: Any) -> Any


Get configuration instance used to inject function arguments


def create_resolved_partial(f: AnyFun,
config: Optional[BaseConfiguration] = None
) -> AnyFun


Create a pre-resolved partial of the with_config decorated function

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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